About St. Joan of Arc


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St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church is home to the Traditional Latin Mass Community in Post Falls, ID, operating with the approval of the Bishop of the Diocese of Boise and served by the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. All Masses and Sacraments at St. Joan of Arc are celebrated according to the Traditional Roman Rite.

St. Joan of Arc and the FSSP

In 2002 the Diocese of Boise invited the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter to establish a Latin Mass community in North Idaho. As a result of that invitation, 2007 saw the establishment of St. Joan of Arc Chapel as a personal parish for the Latin Mass in the area, and it has been thriving ever since. St. Joan of Arc moved from Coeur d’Alene to
Post Falls in 2019.

About the Fraternity

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is a Clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right; that is, a community of Roman Catholic priests who do not take religious vows, but who work together with a common purpose.  The mission of the Fraternity is two-fold: first, the formation and sanctification of priests in the cadre of the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite; and secondly, the pastoral deployment of the priests in the service of the Church.

The Fraternity serves the Catholic Church by means of its own particular objective, which is the sanctification of priests and the souls of the faithful through the legitimate and devoted celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Sacraments according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The FSSP instructs and trains priests to preserve, promote, and protect the Catholic Church’s authentic doctrinal and liturgical traditions.

The FSSP was founded on July 18, 1988 at the Abbey of Hauterive, Switzerland, by a dozen priests and a score of seminarians.  Shortly after the Fraternity’s foundation and following upon a request by Cardinal Ratzinger, Bishop Joseph Stimpfle of Augsburg, Germany granted the Fraternity a home in Wigratzbad, a Marian shrine in Bavaria that now lodges the Fraternity’s European seminary. In the same month of October there arrived a handful of priests and some thirty seminarians ready to start “from scratch.” Today, there are over 200 Fraternity priests worldwide and more than 150 seminarians in its two international seminaries located in Bavaria, Germany and Denton, Nebraska.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I need to Know Before Making My Confession?

As with all sacraments at St. Joan of Arc, Absolution is administered in Latin. The priest sits behind a screen while the penitent kneels. You will find pamphlets to assist you with an Examination of Conscience in the wall display in the foyer area.  In the Confessional you will find an ‘Act of Contrition’ on the kneeler and the priest can also assist you in making your Confession.

How is Communion Received?

Communion is received on the tongue at the Communion rail while kneeling (if possible). There is no need to respond upon receiving the Host, as the priest will say “Amen”. It is important that only Baptized Catholics, in the State of Grace (not aware of any grave sin not absolved by Confession), and who have observed the Eucharistic fast, may receive Holy Communion, as to receive otherwise is a sacrilege and grave sin. 

Is There a Dress Code?

Attire is one of many ways in which we show outwardly our profound respect for the King of Kings. Women should dress modestly, preferable in a knee-length dress or skirt. Tight fitting, low cut, sleeveless and revealing clothing is not appropriate attire. It is traditional custom that women wear veils in the church. Men should wear a collared shirt and long pants, preferably with a tie and jacket while at Mass. T-shirts, shorts, and clothing with distracting logos are not appropriate.

How do I Make an Appointment with a Priest?

To meet with a specific priest, contact the church secretary to arrange a meeting (contact@stjoanarc.com).

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